I got a Surge Needle Ring drop while doing an EoE 10 run and I was able to sell it for 12.5k. I was already sitting on about 4-5k from doing the Saronite Shuffle money-making method (prospecting saronite for gems, selling blues, making greens into jewelry, DEing, selling enchanting mats, buying more ore, repeat) so I'm sitting pretty at about 16k gold now, give or take with investments. This is a significant amount for me, and I'm sure for many others, and I'm not used to having this amount of gold WotLK.
So, how to turn wealth in gold into MORE wealth? There are some ways:
1. Price control the market on titanium ore. Buyout everything under 5g per ore and keep using your giant stack to force people to post under you then snap theirs up. Hold it all until phase3 then shuffle it all down for epic gems and titanium dust so you can price control the epic cuts market on day 1.
2. Alts are a bit self-finding too, leveled 4 characters, and outside of their first investment for cold weather flying they can self-fund their profs easily. If you didn’t get them epic flying in TBC that’s a luxury I guess you could waste a good chunk of gold on (seems like a huge waste though considering after leveling how little you fly around).
3. Use the gold to fuel alts gear and do GDKPs as a return investment
I got a warrior from level 80 to 3900 GS in less than 24 hours with an investment of 6000 gold and its already made back 5000 gold AND obtained 2 new items via GDKP. Add to this my other 2 alts and im making 10-15k gold a week outside my guild's normal Tuesday run
and using this method should ensure that your characters can continue doing this early Uld phase and obtain far more gold even faster.
4. Making bank with darkmoon cards, craft to cost 32 cards (1of each deck) is 1600g on my realm. Im still selling greatness cards for 10k+ and decks for 8k. Hell even illusion decks 600g death 1200g berserker 400g sell decent. Ive made 250k in the last 2 weeks but milling is super tedious.